"Going Bananas in Space" - Written by Cabbage Patch Young Storytellers, Softcover
Building Character is Child's Play
The Explorer Club at the Cabbage Patch had been experimenting. They had grown a neon tree which yielded phenomenally sweet, creamy, and juicy bananas. Their plan was to investigate the possibilities for intergalactic trade.
Every young reader will love this unusual turn-of-events story and your purchase will help at-risk children. With vibrant illustrations, enjoy reading this book with your special child and helping them learn more about the wonders of space and making friends that may be different from themselves.
$5.00 of each purchase is donated to The Cabbage Patch Settlement House
This book is the product of twelve imaginative and creative young people in Louisville, Ky. This book explores the boundless potential of childhood while introducing values that help guide young people on a fruitful path to adulthood.
Baxter's Corner books are designed to enhance speaking and listening skills though activities and conversations centered on values. Each Baxter’s Corner story contains a magical message for a child to learn. They are referenced in the back pages of each book; we call this our GoBeyond section. Children are motivated to make positive behavior choices as they begin to understand how their actions affect themselves and others. This begins to build responsibility and accountability.
Children’s Books – 6 to 12 Years