Ally Gift Set - “Ally Alone” – Hardcover Story & Folkmanis Puppet
Alley Alone is a story about Resilience
by L.S.V. Baker
"No Dad to coach soccer, to play games or read books. No Dad to ride bikes or take fish off of hooks."
Alley Alone is an inspiring, rhyming story about building resilience by focusing on the things we have rather than the things we do not have. Baxter’s Corner character Ally the alligator is not looking forward to a special event because she does not have a dad to invite. What will she tell everyone when she shows up alone? Everything turns around when Ally chooses to focus on someone else in her life, instead of who she is missing.
At the end of the story, we give you the opportunity to discuss the value of resilience and what you think is important for your child in their early learning years. Simply ask the questions and complete the activities using the back of the book, and you will be surprised where the conversations lead you.
Our books are designed to enhance speaking and listening skills though activities and conversations centered on values. Each Baxter’s Corner story contains a magical message for a child to learn. They are referenced in the back pages of each book; we call this our GoBeyond section. Children are motivated to make positive behavior choices as they begin to understand how their actions affect themselves and others. This begins to build responsibility and accountability.
Baxter’s Corner provides you resources with our GoBeyond section in each story
Our puppets and wall art bring the stories to life and deepen each child’s understanding.
Children’s Books – 3 months - 8 Years