Meet Gerome the Giraffe



 Gerome the Giraffe is somewhat shy and does not like the attention he draws due to his height. He decides to keep his head down to blend in, but doesn't feel very "giraffeable." A compassionate friend, Gerome's desire to help others helps him overcome his shyness. When he stands up tall to help someone else, he discovers the advantages of being tall -- and makes a new friend in the process!


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Fun Facts About Giraffes

  • Giraffes live in the savannas, grasslands and woodlands of central, eastern and southern Africa. 
  • The name “giraffe” comes from an African word that means “fast walker.”
  • Giraffes are the tallest land animals in the world, with male giraffes growing as tall as 18 feet. Female giraffes are a bit smaller, growing to an average of 14 to 16 feet.
  • Six feet tall at birth, even baby giraffes are taller than most humans.
  • Giraffes have long tongues, growing up to 17 inches. Their long tongues help giraffes pull leaves from trees.
  • Giraffes eat about 75 pounds of food each day. They eat mostly leaves and twigs they find high up in trees.
  • Because they can only eat a few leaves or twigs at a time, giraffes spend most of their day eating.
  • Giraffes do not need much sleep. They sleep from 10 minutes to two hours per day.
  • Like human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.
  • Both male and female giraffes have skin-covered knobs on the tops of their heads. These knobs are called “ossicones,” and help to protect a giraffe’s head